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Chatham camps for PA Days, March Break, and Holidays

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Get your kids off their screen and moving their bodies!

A structured day full of gymnastics, games, crafts and more, led by our certified coaches.

Expect kids to be tired at the end of the day from having fun and making new friends.

Camp allows for friendships to be built and create 'life-skills" that children need to succeed as adults. We create a safe and fun environment for all children to thrive.

Groups are divided by age with a maximum ratio of 1 coach to 10 campers (usually 1:8).

Please pack everything you would normally send them to school with, including a healthy, nut-free lunch and snacks, water bottle, plus an extra set of clothes.

Drop off: between 8:00 am and 9:00 am
Pick-up: before 5:00 pm

PA Day Camps for 2024-2025

Find the PA Day Camp you’d like to sign your child up for from the list below, and click on the “Register” button in the left-hand column beside the class name. Follow our prompts and you’re ready to go! All PA Day Camps are $40 plus HST, and each camper must have their Annual Insurance Fee paid in full for the year (annual fee of $40 plus HST).

March Break Camp 2025

Click on the “Register” button in the left-hand column from the list below. Follow our prompts and you’re ready to go! March Break Camp is $200 plus HST, and each camper must have their Annual Insurance Fee paid in full for the year (annual fee of $40 plus HST).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, all campers must have their AMF paid for ($40 plus HST for the year).

  • Only if we have a designated coach. This will be an additional fee payable directly to the coach.

  • Please give 48 hours notice to cancel. If you give less than 48 hour notice, you will be charged the spot as we can no longer fill it.

  • Children need to be a minimum of 4 years old and toilet-trained to attend our camps.

  • Pack as if your child is going to school (healthy lunch, water, sunscreen, additional clothing).

  • Please wear appropriate camp clothing. This can include shirt, shorts or light pants.

    Please pack extra clothes in case of accidents or messy play.

Have questions about our Chatham camps or want to register another way? No problem!

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